Dengan penuh kebencian.
Aku benci jatuh cinta. Aku benci merasa senang
bertemu lagi dengan kamu, tersenyum malu-malu, dan menebak-nebak, selalu
menebak-nebak. Aku benci deg-degan menunggu kamu online. Dan di saat kamu
muncul, aku akan tiduran tengkurap, bantal di bawah dagu, lalu berpikir,
tersenyum, dan berusaha mencari kalimat-kalimat lucu agar kamu, di seberang
sana, bisa tertawa. Karena, kata orang, cara mudah membuat orang suka denganmu
adalah dengan membuatnya tertawa. Mudah-mudahan itu benar.
Aku benci terkejut melihat SMS kamu nongol di
inbox-ku dan aku benci kenapa aku harus memakan waktu begitu lama untuk
membalasnya, menghapusnya, memikirkan kata demi kata. Aku benci ketika jatuh
cinta, semua detail yang aku ucapkan, katakan, kirimkan, tuliskan ke kamu
menjadi penting, seolah-olah harus tanpa cacat, atau aku bisa jadi kehilangan
kamu. Aku benci harus berada dalam posisi seperti itu. Tapi, aku tidak bisa
menawar, ya?
Aku benci harus menerjemahkan isyarat-isyarat
kamu itu. Apakah pertanyaan kamu itu sekadar pancingan atau retorika atau
pertanyaan biasa yang aku salah artikan dengan penuh percaya diri? Apakah
kepalamu yang kamu senderkan di bahuku kemarin hanya gesture biasa, atau ada
maksud lain, atau aku yang-sekali lagi-salah mengartikan dengan penuh percaya
Aku benci harus memikirkan kamu sebelum tidur
dan merasakan sesuatu yang bergerak dari dalam dada, menjalar ke sekujur tubuh,
dan aku merasa pasrah, gelisah. Aku benci untuk berpikir aku bisa begini terus
semalaman, tanpa harus tidur. Cukup begini saja.
Aku benci ketika kamu menempelkan kepalamu ke
sisi kepalaku, saat kamu mencoba untuk melihat sesuatu di handycam yang sedang
aku pegang. Oh, aku benci kenapa ketika kepala kita bersentuhan, aku tidak
bernapas, aku merasa canggung, aku ingin berlari jauh. Aku benci aku harus
sadar atas semua kecanggungan itu..., tapi tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa.
Aku benci ketika logika aku bersuara dan
mengingatkan, "Hey! Ini hanya ketertarikan fisik semata, pada akhirnya
kamu akan tahu, kalian berdua tidak punya anything in common," harus
dimentahkan oleh hati yang berkata, "Jangan hiraukan logikamu."
Aku benci harus mencari-cari kesalahan kecil
yang ada di dalam diri kamu. Kesalahan yang secara desperate aku cari dengan
paksa karena aku benci untuk tahu bahwa kamu bisa saja sempurna, kamu bisa saja
tanpa cela, dan aku, bisa saja benar-benar jatuh hati kepadamu.
Aku benci jatuh cinta, terutama kepada kamu.
Demi Tuhan, aku benci jatuh cinta kepada kamu. Karena, di dalam perasaan
menggebu-gebu ini; di balik semua rasa kangen, takut, canggung, yang bergumul
di dalam dan meletup pelan-pelan...
aku takut sendirian.
Selasa, 17 Desember 2013
Rabu, 27 November 2013
Oke disini gua mau membahas tentang masalah2 anak remaja dan
curhatan temen gue yang selalu nanya atau selalu curhat ‘Gimana sih cara
ngelupain mantan kita?” atau ‘Gimana sih cara ngelupain orang yang udah bikin
kita sakit hati?’ oke langsung aja deh ya~
Menurut gue yang namanya ngelupain itu GAK BISA! And gak
akan pernah BISA!! Why? Sebenernya sih bisa aja. tapi kalo lo punya penyakit
amnesia baru lo bisa ngelupain mantan2 lo, atau orang2 yang pernah bikin lo
sakit hati! Lagian juga kan
kalo kita amnesia otomatis kita ngelupain semuanya. padahal kan niat kita Cuma ngelupain orang yang
bikin kita sakit doang? Atau mantan kita doang? Iyakan? Nah berarti sama aja kan ? Yang ngelupain itu
emang ga akan pernah bisa? Sekarang gini
aja deh. Kalian mau ngelupain tapi ngelupain apanya dulu? Ngelupain rasa sakit?
Ngelupain nama, muka, atau kenangan bareng dia? Kalo ngelupain rasa sakit ya
mungkin bisa aja, dengan cari yang baru tapi emang ga gampang semua butuh proses.. tapi seengannya
kalo ngelupain rasa sakit kita pasti bisa :D tapi kalo ngelupain nama, muka,
atau kenangan bareng mereka, ya ga akan pernah bisa lah.. kecuali
amnesia,iyakan? Jadi sekarang yang harus kita pelajarin itu gimana caranya kita
ngelupain rasa suka kita sama doi, atau ngelupain rasa sakit kita karna doi.
Itu yang harus kita pelajari, bukan melupakan nama, muka, and kenangan mereka! Itu
ga akan bisa! Ohiya sebelum belajar melupakan rasa sayang&sakit karna doi! Relain
dulu dia bahagia dengan yang lain, kalo kalian udah bisa belajar mengikhlaskan
dia dengan yang lain, so pasti buat ngelupain rasa sakit karna doi bakalan
lebih mudah.. emang sih ngga gampang butuh proses tapi seengannya kita pasti
bisa, percaya deh.
Jadi sekarang udah jelas kan ? Kalo ngelupain itu gak bisa!! Tapi mungkin
bukan melupakan, mungkin lebih ke merelakan.. dan menerima kenyataan bahwa dia gak bisa bersama kita lagi atau dia emang diciptain tuhan bukan buat kita :')
Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013
Oke kali ini gua ga mau ngeshare share biodata artist mulu
kali ini gua mau curcol berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi gue :D enjoy yaaa J
Ngarep banget yah kayanya gua bisa pacaran sama lo, ga usah
muluk-muluk deh lo suka sama gue aja itu udah ga mungkin banget :’) yaelah
sekalinya gua suka sama cowo selera gua tinggi bgt ya L nyukain ..... (sensorajaya :p) secara dia kan idola sekolahan rata2 temen2 cewe gua pada suka sama dia, atau
dulunya pernah suka sama dia.. And banyak banget isunya yang ngomong kalo si
doi deket sama si inilah, itulah, bikin nyali gua makin ciut aja buat dapetin
dia L
apalagi dia itu orangnya cool abizzz :D ,gua suka banget cowo kaya dia orangnya
cool, cuek, manis, asik, ga banyak tingkah, and misterius, lo tau kenapa gua
bilang dia misterius? Karna dia itu ga pernah ketauan kalo suka sama cewe
tingkah dia ke semua cewe itu sama aja. Ga ada and ga pernah nunjukin kalo dia
itu suka!! Makanya gua suka banget cowo kaya dia, karna dia beda dari cowo yang
lain (menurutgue) biasanya kan kalo cowo lain itu agak2 lebay gimana gitu kalo
suka sama cewe nembak ditempat yang rame lah sekalian bawa bunga oke mungkin
sebagian orang anggap itu tuh so sweet bgt. Tapi bagi gue nggak sama sekali! Bagi
gue itu terlalu public atau gimana lah, pokoknya gua ga suka aja. ya namanya
juga pemikiran orang kan beda-beda :p
Ga gampang banget buat gua jatuh cinta, tapi sekalinya gua
jatuh cintaaaa… orangnya kaya gitu yang impossible banget buat di dapetin L oke maksud gua disini
bukan berarti gua nyerah ya tapi kan lo tau? Gue ini cewe!! Lebih jelas lagi…
gua ini PEREMPUAN. Gua ga mungkin mulai duluan atau ungkapin perasaan duluan,
gengsi kali apa lagi kalo nanti sikap dia dingin atau malah jadi ilfeel sama gue
atau yang lebih pahit lagi dia malah ngejauhin gue dan.. ah sudahlah pokoknya intinya
sesuka sukanya gua sama cowo gua ga akan pernah mulai duluan, yah walau
akhirnya gua ga akan bisa dapetin dia. Yah tapi okelah itu udah resiko kita
suka sama seseorang resikonya yah ga disukain balik!! Yah sampe detik ini pun
dia emang ga pernah nunjukin kalo dia suka sama gue. Ya emang ada sih kode-kode
yang bikin gua GR gimana gituu, ah tapi udahlah gua gamau berharap banyak sama
doi. Biarkan gua mengaguminya dari jauh dan mengangumi nya dalam diam :’)
Kamis, 24 Januari 2013
Harry Styles bio :))
Name: Harry Edward Styles
Age: 17
DOB: 01/02/1994
Star Sign: Aquarius
Home Town: Holmes Chapel, Cheshire
Fave Film: Love Actually
Fave Band: The Beatles
Fave TV Show: Family Guy
Celeb Crush: Cheryl Cole
Man Crush : Louis Tomlinson
Bet you didn’t know: he has 4 nipples
Turn-ons: Giggling, hair extensions, pussy cats.
Turn-offs: Swearing and squealing.
Harry is a loyal and faithful boyfriend. His mum also says that he is very romantic.
On a date he would wear a nice pair of jeans, boots, a nice top and a blazer.
His perfect girl would have a good sense of humour, cute and someone who is loyal.
Apparently, he has been grabbed on his crotch a couple of times.
One Direction’s name was his idea.
Harry’s always getting naked.
Simon Cowell thought ‘Pussygate’ was hilarious.
He misses having a girlfriend but girls really confuse him.Best thing about being a boy? I guess being able to act like a bit of an idiot sometimes.
Best thing about being in One Direction?
The four lads that I’m with.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Chop your hair off or try Strepsils.
Favourite aftershave:
Ck In 2U and Diesel Fuel For Life.
Favourite grooming product:
Shampoo – I use L’Oreal Elvive.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
Shower every day, at least once a day,
sometimes more. But a bath maybe once every four months if I need to
relax. I love bubble baths.
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
My pillow.
Age: 17
DOB: 01/02/1994
Star Sign: Aquarius
Home Town: Holmes Chapel, Cheshire
Fave Film: Love Actually
Fave Band: The Beatles
Fave TV Show: Family Guy
Celeb Crush: Cheryl Cole
Man Crush : Louis Tomlinson
Bet you didn’t know: he has 4 nipples
Turn-ons: Giggling, hair extensions, pussy cats.
Turn-offs: Swearing and squealing.
Harry is a loyal and faithful boyfriend. His mum also says that he is very romantic.
On a date he would wear a nice pair of jeans, boots, a nice top and a blazer.
His perfect girl would have a good sense of humour, cute and someone who is loyal.
Apparently, he has been grabbed on his crotch a couple of times.
One Direction’s name was his idea.
Harry’s always getting naked.
Simon Cowell thought ‘Pussygate’ was hilarious.
He misses having a girlfriend but girls really confuse him.Best thing about being a boy? I guess being able to act like a bit of an idiot sometimes.
Best thing about being in One Direction?
The four lads that I’m with.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Chop your hair off or try Strepsils.
Favourite aftershave:
Ck In 2U and Diesel Fuel For Life.
Favourite grooming product:
Shampoo – I use L’Oreal Elvive.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
Shower every day, at least once a day,
sometimes more. But a bath maybe once every four months if I need to
relax. I love bubble baths.
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
My pillow.
Liam Payne Bio (:
Name: Liam James Payne
Age: 17
DOB: 29/08/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Wolverhampton
Favourite Film: All three of the Toy Story movies
Celeb Crush: Leona Lewis
Man Crush: Michael McIntyre
Bet you didn’t know: He only has one kidney.
Turn-ons: Knee socks, PDAs, giggling, squealing and tattoos.
Turn-offs: Burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
Liam is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans and a T-shirt.
His perfect girl would have to be cheeky but quiet and a bit shy as
well. He likes happy, smiley girls. He also likes mousy brown haired
Apparently, he has been grabbed on his crotch a couple of times.
If he sees you cry, he will probably go out with you.
He owns a pain of pink hair straighteners.
He’s the daddy of the group.
Best thing about being a boy? Well, it’s a man’s world!
Best thing about being in One Direction?
There is never a dull moment.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Kiss Harry!
Favourite aftershave:
Paco Rabanne’s 1 Million.
Favourite grooming product:
Hair wax.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have a Blackberry, but I also have an iPod touch and an iPad.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
I scrunch myself up in the covers.
Age: 17
DOB: 29/08/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Wolverhampton
Favourite Film: All three of the Toy Story movies
Celeb Crush: Leona Lewis
Man Crush: Michael McIntyre
Bet you didn’t know: He only has one kidney.
Turn-ons: Knee socks, PDAs, giggling, squealing and tattoos.
Turn-offs: Burping, farting, swearing, fake tan and bling.
Liam is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans and a T-shirt.
His perfect girl would have to be cheeky but quiet and a bit shy as
well. He likes happy, smiley girls. He also likes mousy brown haired
Apparently, he has been grabbed on his crotch a couple of times.
If he sees you cry, he will probably go out with you.
He owns a pain of pink hair straighteners.
He’s the daddy of the group.
Best thing about being a boy? Well, it’s a man’s world!
Best thing about being in One Direction?
There is never a dull moment.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Kiss Harry!
Favourite aftershave:
Paco Rabanne’s 1 Million.
Favourite grooming product:
Hair wax.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have a Blackberry, but I also have an iPod touch and an iPad.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
I scrunch myself up in the covers.
Niall Horan bio ;;)
Name: Niall James Horan
Age: 17
DOB: 13/07/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Mullingar, Ireland
Favourite Film: Grease
Celeb Crush: Cheryl Cole
Man Crush : Michael Buble
Bet you didn’t know: He’d rather lick a fat man’s armpit than drown in a sea of mayonnaise.
Turn-ons: Hot pants, farting and being funny.
Turn-offs: Birkenstock sandals, Disney films and granny cardigans.
Niall is a loyal and faithful boyfriend if he likes them.
On a date he would wear a pair of jeans, black shoes, a shirt and a blazer, plus a quick squirt of aftershave.
His perfect girl would be someone who can take a bit of banter and she has to be hot.
He’s a closet chav.
He loves to fart. He can clear a room in seconds with the foul smell.Best thing about being a boy? Chasing all the girls!
Best thing about being in One Direction?
That we all get along.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Go to the doctor and get a jab.
Favourite aftershave:
Armani Mania.
Favourite grooming product:
L’Oreal Homme Wax and Clay.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
Recently Louis, ‘cos
he’s started sleepwalking and got into my bed when we were sharing a
room in a hotel. I pushed him on the floor and he sat up, put his arms
out and started humming the song from The Jungle Book. It’s only recently that he’s started doing it.N
Age: 17
DOB: 13/07/93
Star Sign: Virgo
Home Town: Mullingar, Ireland
Favourite Film: Grease
Celeb Crush: Cheryl Cole
Man Crush : Michael Buble
Bet you didn’t know: He’d rather lick a fat man’s armpit than drown in a sea of mayonnaise.
Turn-ons: Hot pants, farting and being funny.
Turn-offs: Birkenstock sandals, Disney films and granny cardigans.
Niall is a loyal and faithful boyfriend if he likes them.
On a date he would wear a pair of jeans, black shoes, a shirt and a blazer, plus a quick squirt of aftershave.
His perfect girl would be someone who can take a bit of banter and she has to be hot.
He’s a closet chav.
He loves to fart. He can clear a room in seconds with the foul smell.Best thing about being a boy? Chasing all the girls!
Best thing about being in One Direction?
That we all get along.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
Go to the doctor and get a jab.
Favourite aftershave:
Armani Mania.
Favourite grooming product:
L’Oreal Homme Wax and Clay.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
Recently Louis, ‘cos
he’s started sleepwalking and got into my bed when we were sharing a
room in a hotel. I pushed him on the floor and he sat up, put his arms
out and started humming the song from The Jungle Book. It’s only recently that he’s started doing it.N
Louis Tomlinson bio =D
Name: Louis William Tomlinson
Age: 19
D.O.B: 24/12/91
Star sign: Capricorn
Home town: Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Favourite film: Grease
Favourite band: The Fray
Favourite TV show: The X Factor
Celeb crush: Diana Vickers
Man crush: Robbie Williams
Bet you didn’t know: He owns boxers with ‘lubbly jubbly’ written on the front
Turn-ons: Fake glasses, fake tans
Turn-offs: PDAs, tattoos, farting and Cher Lloyd
He’s a bit of a joker.
He’s a very loyal boyfriend.
On a date, he would wear his purple chinos and a polo or T-Shirt and a cardigan.
His perfect girl is someone who is loyal and has a sense of humour, and
is kind-hearted too. They also have to be tidy. His girlfriend would
also have to eat carrots.
The rest of the band are banned from dating his sisters.
Being his girlfriend is hard work.
Feel free to grope his biceps.
He reckons Harry Styles looks like Susan Boyle.
He once moonied at his head teacher.Best thing about being a boy? Being interested in girls.
Best thing about being in One Direction?
Just the laugh we have, and also I’ve made four new friends.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
The best cure for that is probably penicillin!
Favourite aftershave:
Favourite grooming product:
Dry shampoo – when I can’t be bothered to wash my hair.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
It depends on the
temperature. If it’s nice and hot, I will happily sleep naked, but if
it’s a bit chilly then pyjama bottoms, but I’m all for sleeping naked.
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
My pillow – all my teddies passed away a few years ago.
Age: 19
D.O.B: 24/12/91
Star sign: Capricorn
Home town: Doncaster, South Yorkshire
Favourite film: Grease
Favourite band: The Fray
Favourite TV show: The X Factor
Celeb crush: Diana Vickers
Man crush: Robbie Williams
Bet you didn’t know: He owns boxers with ‘lubbly jubbly’ written on the front
Turn-ons: Fake glasses, fake tans
Turn-offs: PDAs, tattoos, farting and Cher Lloyd
He’s a bit of a joker.
He’s a very loyal boyfriend.
On a date, he would wear his purple chinos and a polo or T-Shirt and a cardigan.
His perfect girl is someone who is loyal and has a sense of humour, and
is kind-hearted too. They also have to be tidy. His girlfriend would
also have to eat carrots.
The rest of the band are banned from dating his sisters.
Being his girlfriend is hard work.
Feel free to grope his biceps.
He reckons Harry Styles looks like Susan Boyle.
He once moonied at his head teacher.Best thing about being a boy? Being interested in girls.
Best thing about being in One Direction?
Just the laugh we have, and also I’ve made four new friends.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
The best cure for that is probably penicillin!
Favourite aftershave:
Favourite grooming product:
Dry shampoo – when I can’t be bothered to wash my hair.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
It depends on the
temperature. If it’s nice and hot, I will happily sleep naked, but if
it’s a bit chilly then pyjama bottoms, but I’m all for sleeping naked.
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and a Blackberry.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
My pillow – all my teddies passed away a few years ago.
Zayn malik bio =))
Age: 18
DOB: 12/01/93
Star Sign: Capricorn
Home Town: Bradford
Celeb Crush: Megan Fox
Man Crush: Justin Timberlake
Favourite hair colour on a girl: Brunette
Bet you didn’t know: He celebrated his 18th birthday with a trip to Nandos with the boys.
Turn-ons: Tattoos and stripper shoes
Turn-offs: Punks, burping and sweating.
Zayn is a loyal and faithful boyfriend.
On a date he would wear jeans, a T-shirt and trainers.
His perfect girl can’t be too clingy and someone who acts cool. Megan Fox would be his ideal partner.
He loves the mirror.
He’s a secret bad boy.
He is actually a bit shy.
He’s NOT dating Geneva Lane.
He’s the Mary Poppins of the group.Best thing about being a boy? I get to date girls.
Best thing about being in One Direction?
All the free clothes and I get to do what I love everyday.
Best cure for One Direction infection?
There isn’t one.
Favourite aftershave:
Unforgivable by Sean John.
Favourite grooming product:
Hair wax.
PJ’s, pants or nothing in bed?
Bath or shower?
What mobile phone do you have?
I have an iPhone 4 and I have a Blackberry too, but I don’t use it. I like the iPhone better.
What do you cuddle up to at night?
Nothing not even my duvet!
Taylor Swift gemar bernyanyi sejak kecil. Pada usia 3 tahun ia pernah bernyanyi di hadapan sekumpulan wisatawan ketika bertamasya dengan kedua orang tuanya. Ketika Swift di kelas empat, dia memenangkan kontes puisi nasional dengan sebuah puisi sepanjang tiga halaman berjudul "Monster in My Closet". Pada usia sepuluh., Seorang tukang reparasi komputer menunjukkan dia cara bermain tiga chords pada gitar, yang kemudian memicu minatnya dalam belajar instrumen. Setelah itu, Swift menulis lagu pertamanya, "Lucky You" Dia mulai menulis lagu secara teratur dan hal itu digunakannya sebagai tempat untuk membantunya dengan rasa sakit dia dari ketidaknyamanannya di sekolah..
Dia adalah seorang korban bullying, dan sering menulis lagu untuk mengungkapkan emosinya. Dia juga mulai tampil di kontes karaoke, festival, dan pameran di sekitar kota kelahirannya.. Ketika Swift berusia 12, dia mencurahkan seluruh musim panas untuk menulis sebuah novel 350 halaman, yang tidak diterbitkan. Pertunjukan pertama utama-nya kinerja yang baik diterima di Fair Bloomsburg. Taylor Swift juga seorang penulis lagu yang handal. Sebagai inspirasi menulis, Taylor mengaku kerap menuangkan berbagai macam tema mulai dari masalah pribadi yang dialaminya hingga hal-hal menarik lainnya. Bagi Taylor, menulis dan menciptakan lagu merupakan sarananya untuk menghilangkan stres. Taylor adalah korban bullying semasa bersekolah, jadi menulis lirik merupakan strateginya untuk menuangkan semua kekesalan dan kesedihan yang ada di kepalanya kala itu.
Keluarganya mendukung penuh keinginan Taylor Swift untuk berkarir di dunia seni suara. Pada tahun 2005, mereka pindah dan menetap di Nashville. Pada saat itu juga Taylor Swift berhasil memukau sejumlah label lokal dengan lagu-lagunya. Pada tahun 2006, ia merilis debut single "Tim McGraw", kemudian debut self-titled album nya, yang mendapatkan penghargaan multi-platinum oleh Asosiasi Industri Rekaman Amerika dan dinominasikan untuk penghargaan Best New Artist di Grammy Awards ke-50. Pada bulan November 2008, Swift merilis album kedua, Fearless, dan membawa Swift meraih empat Grammy Awards, termasuk Album of the Year, di Grammy Awards 52. Fearless dan Taylor Swift sampai pada tahun 2008 masing-masing berada di urutan nomor tiga dan nomor-enam, dengan penjualan sebesar 2,1 dan 1,5 juta. Fearless menduduki puncak Billboard 200 selama 11 minggu non-berturut-turut
Akhirnya pada tahun 2006, Taylor Swift mendapat kesempatan untuk unjuk penampilan di kancah musik setelah merilis single berjudul “Tim McGraw”. Single tersebut cukup sukses mengangkat namanya kala itu. Tak berapa lama, album pertamanya bertajuk Taylor Swift beredar. Album ini dapat terjual hingga 61.000 kopi pada minggu pertamanya. Tak berapa lama setelahnya, album ini menjadi juara di tangga lagu Billboard Top Country. Lagu-lagu dalam album ini ditulis sendiri seluruhnya olehnya.
Pada tahun 2007, Taylor Swift kembali merilis album bertajuk Sounds Of The Season, namun album tersebut tak berhasil di pasaran. Namun bukan Taylor Swift bila menyerah begitu saja. Pada musim panas tahun 2008, ia kembali merilis album Fearless, yang sukses besar. Album ini terjual sebanyak 330 ribu keping dalam minggu kedua setelah dirilis. Album tersebut berhasil membuatnya meraih penghargaan di ajang Grammy diantaranya untuk kategori Album of the Year dan Best Country Album. Kesuksesan di dunia musik membuka jalan bagi Taylor Swift untuk merambah dunia akting. Tercatat beberapa judul film pernah dibintanginya, antara lain Valentine dan Hannah Montana : The Movie. Pada tahun 2008, ia mendapatkan ijazah SMAnya, Dia lulus dari sekolah tinggi pada Juli 2008 dari Akademi Harun, Sekolah Kristen SMA di Hendersonville, Tennessee.'
Akhirnya pada tahun 2006, Taylor Swift mendapat kesempatan untuk unjuk penampilan di kancah musik setelah merilis single berjudul “Tim McGraw”. Single tersebut cukup sukses mengangkat namanya kala itu. Tak berapa lama, album pertamanya bertajuk Taylor Swift beredar. Album ini dapat terjual hingga 61.000 kopi pada minggu pertamanya. Tak berapa lama setelahnya, album ini menjadi juara di tangga lagu Billboard Top Country. Lagu-lagu dalam album ini ditulis sendiri seluruhnya olehnya.
Pada tahun 2007, Taylor Swift kembali merilis album bertajuk Sounds Of The Season, namun album tersebut tak berhasil di pasaran. Namun bukan Taylor Swift bila menyerah begitu saja. Pada musim panas tahun 2008, ia kembali merilis album Fearless, yang sukses besar. Album ini terjual sebanyak 330 ribu keping dalam minggu kedua setelah dirilis. Album tersebut berhasil membuatnya meraih penghargaan di ajang Grammy diantaranya untuk kategori Album of the Year dan Best Country Album. Kesuksesan di dunia musik membuka jalan bagi Taylor Swift untuk merambah dunia akting. Tercatat beberapa judul film pernah dibintanginya, antara lain Valentine dan Hannah Montana : The Movie. Pada tahun 2008, ia mendapatkan ijazah SMAnya, Dia lulus dari sekolah tinggi pada Juli 2008 dari Akademi Harun, Sekolah Kristen SMA di Hendersonville, Tennessee.'
Kesuksesan Taylor Swift tersebut ternyata tak selamanya berbuah positif. Ia kerap dicibir oleh sesama rekannya yang lebih senior. Kejadian paling frontal adalah pada saat penghargaan MTV VMA 2009 lalu. Saat itu Taylor memenangkan penghargaan kategori Best Video Clip untuk lagu “You Belong With Me”. Pada saat berpidato kemenangan, tiba-tiba penyanyi rap senior Kanye West naik ke panggung dan ‘menghujat’ Taylor Swift. Kanye berkata bahwa Taylor tidak pantas memenangkan penghargaan tersebut, yang menurutnya lebih pantas diberikan kepada Beyonce Knowles dengan video “Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It). Taylor mengaku sangat kaget dan kecewa dengan perlakuan tersebut, namun ia menerimanya dengan hati terbuka. Beberapa lama kemudian, Kanye West secara langsung mendatangi Taylor Swift untuk meminta maaf atas kelakuannya.
Swift kemudian merilis album keduanya, Fearless pada November 2008 dan langsung sangat sukses. Pada awal pembukaannya, album tersebut terjual sebanyak 592,300 kopi, merupakan jumlah terbanyak untuk seluruh artis wanita pada tahun 2008. Hanya dalam dua bulan, album tersebut sukses terjual 2,2 juta kopi. Album tersebut juga terdaftar dalam peringkat 1 untuk Billboard 200 selama 11 minggu tidak berurutan dan juga peringkat 1 untuk Billboard Hot Country Albums untuk 35 minggu tidak berurutan. Empat singel dirilis sebagai singel promosi dari Fearless, dan keempatnya mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat meriah. Singel tersebut adalah "Change", "Fearless", "You're Not Sorry", dan "You Belong with Me", yang langsung masuk ke peringkat 10, 9, 11, dan 12, berurutan. Swift adalah artis pertama yang mampu melakukan hal ini.
Swift kemudian merilis album keduanya, Fearless pada November 2008 dan langsung sangat sukses. Pada awal pembukaannya, album tersebut terjual sebanyak 592,300 kopi, merupakan jumlah terbanyak untuk seluruh artis wanita pada tahun 2008. Hanya dalam dua bulan, album tersebut sukses terjual 2,2 juta kopi. Album tersebut juga terdaftar dalam peringkat 1 untuk Billboard 200 selama 11 minggu tidak berurutan dan juga peringkat 1 untuk Billboard Hot Country Albums untuk 35 minggu tidak berurutan. Empat singel dirilis sebagai singel promosi dari Fearless, dan keempatnya mendapatkan sambutan yang sangat meriah. Singel tersebut adalah "Change", "Fearless", "You're Not Sorry", dan "You Belong with Me", yang langsung masuk ke peringkat 10, 9, 11, dan 12, berurutan. Swift adalah artis pertama yang mampu melakukan hal ini.
Pada Februari 2010, ia mendapatkan 8 nominasi Grammy Awards dan mendapatkan 4 diantaranya, antara lain Album of the Year dan Best Country Album untuk Fearless, serta Best Female Country Vocal Performance dan Best Country Song untuk "White Horse". Ia juga dinominasikan sebagai Best New Artist tahun 2008 lalu (lolos pada Amy Winehouse), dan dinominasikan untuk 4 kategori lain, yaitu Record of the Year, Song of the Year, dan Best Female Pop Vocal Performance untuk "You Belong with Me" dan Best Pop Collaborations with Vocal untuk "Breathe", bersama Colbie Caillat.
Swift lalu muncul dalam film Valentine's Day, dan menyanyikan lagu utama dalam soundtracknya, yang berjudul "Today Was a Fairytale". Reaksi lagu ini sangat dahsyat, dan dalam seminggu lagu ini telah terjual 325.000 kopi, dan langsung mendapatkan posisi 2 di Billboard Hot 100. Mengalahkan rekor yang sebelumnya dipegang Britney Spears dan lagunya "Womanizer" yang terjual 280.000 kopi pada minggu pertamanya.
Di luar musik, Taylor Swift adalah pribadi yang lembut dan bersahaja. ia pernah menjalin cinta dengan beberapa selebriti, di antaranya Joe Jonas dan Taylor Lautner. Hubungannya dengan Joe Jonas berakhir ‘tragis’ saat Joe memutuskannya via telepon. Taylor mengabadikan kejadian tersebut lewat sebuah lagu berjudul ‘Forever and Always’ yang menjadi salah satu lagu dalam album ‘Fearless‘.
Swift lalu muncul dalam film Valentine's Day, dan menyanyikan lagu utama dalam soundtracknya, yang berjudul "Today Was a Fairytale". Reaksi lagu ini sangat dahsyat, dan dalam seminggu lagu ini telah terjual 325.000 kopi, dan langsung mendapatkan posisi 2 di Billboard Hot 100. Mengalahkan rekor yang sebelumnya dipegang Britney Spears dan lagunya "Womanizer" yang terjual 280.000 kopi pada minggu pertamanya.
Di luar musik, Taylor Swift adalah pribadi yang lembut dan bersahaja. ia pernah menjalin cinta dengan beberapa selebriti, di antaranya Joe Jonas dan Taylor Lautner. Hubungannya dengan Joe Jonas berakhir ‘tragis’ saat Joe memutuskannya via telepon. Taylor mengabadikan kejadian tersebut lewat sebuah lagu berjudul ‘Forever and Always’ yang menjadi salah satu lagu dalam album ‘Fearless‘.
Biodata / Profile Taylor Swiff
Nama lengkap : Taylor Alison Swift
Nama beken : Taylor Swift
Tempat / Tanggal lahir : Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, AS / 13 Desember 1989
Hobi : Menyanyi, menulis lirik dan puisi
Tinggi badan : 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Filmography :
- Valentine's Day (2010) .... Felicia
- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Haley Jones (1 episode, 2009)
... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
... aka Les experts (Canada: French title)
- Turn, Turn, Turn (2009) TV episode .... Haley Jones
- Valentine's Day (2010) ("Today Was A Fairytale", "Jump Then Fall")
- "Live from Studio Five" (1 episode, 2010)
... aka Studio Five (UK: informal short title)
- Episode #1.93 (2010) TV episode (writer: "Love Story", "Today Was a Fairytale") (performer: "Love Story", - "Today Was a Fairytale")
- Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief (2010) (TV) ("Breathless")
- "Dancing on Ice" (1 episode, 2010)
... aka Dancing on Ice: Christmas Special (UK: promotional title)
... aka Dancing on Ice: The Skate-Off (UK: second part title)
- Episode #5.2 (2010) TV episode (writer: "Love Story") (performer: "Love Story")
- "The Paul O'Grady Show" (2 episodes, 2009)
... aka The New Paul O'Grady Show (UK: new title)
- Episode dated 18 November 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Fifteen") (performer: "Fifteen")
- Episode dated 8 May 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Teardrops on My Guitar" (uncredited)) (performer: - "Teardrops on My Guitar" (uncredited))
- Karaoke Revolution (2009) (VG) (performer: "Love Story")
- "Saturday Night Live" (3 episodes, 2007-2009)
... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: complete title)
... aka SNL (USA: informal title)
... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title)
... aka Saturday Night (USA: first season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: sixth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 15 (USA: fifteenth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 20 (USA: twentieth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 25 (USA: twentiefifth season title)
- Taylor Swift (2009) TV episode (writer: "Monologue Song (La La La)") (performer: "Monologue Song (La La La)", "Bunny Hips Don't Lie" (uncredited), "Do-Re-Mi" (uncredited), "You Belong With Me" (uncredited), - "Untouchable" (uncredited))
- Neil Patrick Harris/Taylor Swift (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story" (uncredited), "Forever & Always" (uncredited)) (performer: "Tomorrow", "Love Story" (uncredited), "Forever & Always" (uncredited))
- Brian Williams/Feist (2007) TV episode (performer: "Umbrella")
- "Dancing with the Stars" (1 episode, 2009)
... aka D.W.T.S. (USA: informal title)
- Round Six: Results Show (2009) TV episode (writer: "Jump Then Fall", "Love Story") (performer: "Jump Then Fall", "Love Story")
- "CMT Insider" (2 episodes, 2008-2009)
- Episode dated 18 July 2009 (2009) TV episode (performer: "You Belong With Me")
- Episode dated 27 September 2008 (2008) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Best of CMT Music Awards (2009) (TV) (performer: "Picture to Burn")
- Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) (writer: "Crazier", "You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home") (performer: "Crazier")
- "CMT Top 20 Countdown" (13 episodes, 2007-2009)
- Episode dated 20 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 13 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 6 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 27 February 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story", "White Horse") (performer: "Love Story", "White Horse")
- Episode dated 3 January 2008 (2008) TV episode (writer: "Our Song") (performer: "Online", "Our Song")
(8 more)
- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (1 episode, 2009)
... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
... aka Les experts (Canada: French title)
- Turn, Turn, Turn (2009) TV episode (writer: "You're Not Sorry" (uncredited)) (performer: "You're Not Sorry" (uncredited))
- "Loose Women" (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #13.113 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story") (performer: "Love Story")
- "CMT Crossroads" (1 episode, 2008)
- Def Leppard and Taylor Swift (2008) TV episode (performer: "Photograph", "Pour Some Sugar On Me", "Hysteria")
- "Grey's Anatomy" (1 episode, 2008)
- Dream a Little Dream of Me (2008) TV episode (performer: "White Horse" (uncredited))
- "Grand Ole Opry" (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Opry Live! (USA: short title)
- Best Opry Moments of 2007 (2007) TV episode (writer: "Tim McGraw") (performer: "Tim McGraw")
- 41st Annual Country Music Association Awards (2007) (TV) (performer: "Our Song")
... aka 41st Annual CMA Awards (USA: informal title)
Nama lengkap : Taylor Alison Swift
Nama beken : Taylor Swift
Tempat / Tanggal lahir : Wyomissing, Pennsylvania, AS / 13 Desember 1989
Hobi : Menyanyi, menulis lirik dan puisi
Tinggi badan : 5' 11" (1.80 m)
Filmography :
- Valentine's Day (2010) .... Felicia
- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" .... Haley Jones (1 episode, 2009)
... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
... aka Les experts (Canada: French title)
- Turn, Turn, Turn (2009) TV episode .... Haley Jones
- Valentine's Day (2010) ("Today Was A Fairytale", "Jump Then Fall")
- "Live from Studio Five" (1 episode, 2010)
... aka Studio Five (UK: informal short title)
- Episode #1.93 (2010) TV episode (writer: "Love Story", "Today Was a Fairytale") (performer: "Love Story", - "Today Was a Fairytale")
- Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief (2010) (TV) ("Breathless")
- "Dancing on Ice" (1 episode, 2010)
... aka Dancing on Ice: Christmas Special (UK: promotional title)
... aka Dancing on Ice: The Skate-Off (UK: second part title)
- Episode #5.2 (2010) TV episode (writer: "Love Story") (performer: "Love Story")
- "The Paul O'Grady Show" (2 episodes, 2009)
... aka The New Paul O'Grady Show (UK: new title)
- Episode dated 18 November 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Fifteen") (performer: "Fifteen")
- Episode dated 8 May 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Teardrops on My Guitar" (uncredited)) (performer: - "Teardrops on My Guitar" (uncredited))
- Karaoke Revolution (2009) (VG) (performer: "Love Story")
- "Saturday Night Live" (3 episodes, 2007-2009)
... aka NBC's Saturday Night (USA: complete title)
... aka SNL (USA: informal title)
... aka SNL 25 (USA: alternative title)
... aka Saturday Night (USA: first season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live '80 (USA: sixth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 15 (USA: fifteenth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 20 (USA: twentieth season title)
... aka Saturday Night Live 25 (USA: twentiefifth season title)
- Taylor Swift (2009) TV episode (writer: "Monologue Song (La La La)") (performer: "Monologue Song (La La La)", "Bunny Hips Don't Lie" (uncredited), "Do-Re-Mi" (uncredited), "You Belong With Me" (uncredited), - "Untouchable" (uncredited))
- Neil Patrick Harris/Taylor Swift (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story" (uncredited), "Forever & Always" (uncredited)) (performer: "Tomorrow", "Love Story" (uncredited), "Forever & Always" (uncredited))
- Brian Williams/Feist (2007) TV episode (performer: "Umbrella")
- "Dancing with the Stars" (1 episode, 2009)
... aka D.W.T.S. (USA: informal title)
- Round Six: Results Show (2009) TV episode (writer: "Jump Then Fall", "Love Story") (performer: "Jump Then Fall", "Love Story")
- "CMT Insider" (2 episodes, 2008-2009)
- Episode dated 18 July 2009 (2009) TV episode (performer: "You Belong With Me")
- Episode dated 27 September 2008 (2008) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Best of CMT Music Awards (2009) (TV) (performer: "Picture to Burn")
- Hannah Montana: The Movie (2009) (writer: "Crazier", "You'll Always Find Your Way Back Home") (performer: "Crazier")
- "CMT Top 20 Countdown" (13 episodes, 2007-2009)
- Episode dated 20 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 13 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 6 March 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "White Horse") (performer: "White Horse")
- Episode dated 27 February 2009 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story", "White Horse") (performer: "Love Story", "White Horse")
- Episode dated 3 January 2008 (2008) TV episode (writer: "Our Song") (performer: "Online", "Our Song")
(8 more)
- "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (1 episode, 2009)
... aka CSI: Las Vegas (South Africa: English title: informal alternative title) (USA: syndication title)
... aka C.S.I. (USA: short title)
... aka CSI: Weekends (USA: promotional title)
... aka Les experts (Canada: French title)
- Turn, Turn, Turn (2009) TV episode (writer: "You're Not Sorry" (uncredited)) (performer: "You're Not Sorry" (uncredited))
- "Loose Women" (1 episode, 2009)
- Episode #13.113 (2009) TV episode (writer: "Love Story") (performer: "Love Story")
- "CMT Crossroads" (1 episode, 2008)
- Def Leppard and Taylor Swift (2008) TV episode (performer: "Photograph", "Pour Some Sugar On Me", "Hysteria")
- "Grey's Anatomy" (1 episode, 2008)
- Dream a Little Dream of Me (2008) TV episode (performer: "White Horse" (uncredited))
- "Grand Ole Opry" (1 episode, 2007)
... aka Opry Live! (USA: short title)
- Best Opry Moments of 2007 (2007) TV episode (writer: "Tim McGraw") (performer: "Tim McGraw")
- 41st Annual Country Music Association Awards (2007) (TV) (performer: "Our Song")
... aka 41st Annual CMA Awards (USA: informal title)
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